Wednesday, June 20, 2012

FUN, yummy, creative summer food for kids and you, too.....

okay, no rambling from me today.
too many YUMMY treats to show you!
wow...once again,
some really creative people out there!
(all inspirational sources listed at the end.)

two categories here.....
fruit and cupcake-ish stuff.
your kids are gonna LOVE these yummy ideas.....

1.   Goldfish fruit cup.....cute, cute cute! 

2.  fruit tacos made with a sugar cookie shell.....YUM!

3.   fruit filled ice cream cones.......
regular cone

4.  sugar cone 

5.  chocolate chip cookie bowls with fruit and ice cream

6.  Strawberry Ninjas

7.  palm tree and watermelon pail.......

8.  rice krispie treat sand castle (NO peanut butter, please:)

9.  flower pot cupcakes

10.  teacup cupcakes.....

and last but not least, one of the coolest cupcake ideas
i've ever seen.....
11.  ice cream cone cupcakes!

well, does that get you inspired?
it sure got me to thinking.
food can be fun and cute?
i love it!!!
but does it really have to be fattening?

linking to...

thank you to these talented people.....
3.  simply nabiki and 
5.  cookie bowls
6.  babble
7.  palm tree and watermelon pail
9.  relish

1 comment:

  1. These are some of the best ideas for kids' treats I have seen anywhere. I LOVE those strawberries and that last ice cream cone cupcake idea. Thanks,I am sure I will use some of these ideas for the grandkids- xo Diana


So, what do ya think? Do tell...I'd love to hear it:) Be Happy...

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